Age: ~4 years.
Sex: Female.
Breed: Domestic Long Hair tan tabby
Origin: Orcas Island.
Weight: ~10.5 lbs.

Personality: extroverted after introduction, sometimes silly, very receptive to the attention that she’s due

Energy Level: regal yet occasionally playful

Likes: body massages, conversations, hearing staff sing her name to the tune of Dolly Parton’s “Jolene”

Dislikes: pesky viruses, chicken meals, insufficient attention

I don’t mean to brag, but more than one of my minions here calls me Queen Faline. They no doubt recognize my inherently divine bearing which, fortunately, coincides with my need for a one-cat indoor-only home.

You see, I tested positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), having caught the virus while living outside in one of my previous eras. This means I need to be the only lion in the house.

That medical stuff aside, one of my minions — animal care team member Flora Miles — wants you to know that I’m “a fluffy girl full of love. She makes the funniest faces when enjoying head scritches!”

If you want to try to induce a funny face, you can visit my current lodging: APS-FH, 938 Cattle Point Road. The staff can lead you to me between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday.