Volunteer Coordinator/Social Media/Animal Care Team

Amy Hooper’s experiences with pets have included living with dogs, cats, birds and Russian dwarf hamsters as well as working as an editor or writer for pet magazines like Dog Fancy, Cat Fancy and Critters USA. A Southern California native, she majored in journalism at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and returned to Orange County after graduation.
Amy recently moved from Long Beach, Calif., to join relatives in Friday Harbor. Among her hobbies are baking cookies, reading romances, ogling cool cars, riding roller coasters with nephews, talking about wordnerdery, and listening to music via Victoria radio station 91.3 FM and public radio station TheSoCalSound.org.
Because she doesn’t live with a pet of her own, Amy enjoys borrowing her parents’ recently adopted dog for walks, playtime and naps. He’s equally smitten with her.