Age: ~3 years old
Sex: Male
Breed: Domestic Short Hair, Black
Origin: San Juan Island
Weight: 13.8 lbs
Personality: Brave, Chatty, Suave
Energy Level: Young guy whose energy easily matches his surroundings – from living outdoors, to a life inside, and anything in between!
Likes: Movie Nights, Smooth Jazz, WWE Wrestling
Dislikes: Spicy Foods, Stereotypes, Swans
Hello there, I’m Dune! My name was inspired by the vast and mysterious dune desserts of Arrakis, and it’s my hope that my blockbuster inspired name will stir up some excitement around me, thus helping me get adopted. Getting adopted isn’t easy for any animal these days, and the fact that I’m a black cat (the least likely to get adopted, and one of 5 here at APS-FH alone) means the odds aren’t exactly in my favor. Luckily for me, I’m full of optimism, and I think there are a lot of things about me that would make me an excellent pet, and the best friend anyone could ask for.
Although the untrue black cat stereotypes may follow me around, anyone with a working pair of eyes can see that my black coat is sleek and beautiful! I’ve also gotten many compliments on my bright, piercing, yellow colored eyes, and on my chubby cheeks, which the ladies seem to love; although I’m happily neutered now, my years outside as a stray allowed me to develop those classic “tomcat cheeks”.
My striking outward appearance aside, underneath it all I’m just one gentle giant who is looking for a life of happy companionship with a person(s). You’ll realize quickly upon meeting me that I’m just a big lover who welcomes head-butts, kisses, and any affection you’re willing to give, except belly rubs, which I despise! I’ll happily return the favor and show you loads of affection, happily purring along the way. Aside from the rumble of my purr, you can also tell I’m comfortable with you when I begin talking; I’m quite the vocal guy, and would love to find an adopter who also enjoys the art of conversation.
Could you be the person(s) who proves me right for being so optimistic about my future, and takes me home for a life of love with you? If you’d like to visit me come by APS-FH during their open hours, and come meet me in Community Cat Room #3.