APS-FH would like to express deep gratitude to Hans and Cindy Koch for funding the fun and colorful new logo wrap (design by Anne Francis Web Design / application by image360 in Burlington) on our “Transport Van.” A donation that was made in honor of their first of many rescue dogs (and cats), Tia Maria. Did you happen to see us proudly showing off our new van design in the Friday Harbor 4th of July Parade?
The APS-FH Transport Van is used to transfer pets from overcrowded and over impacted shelters and rescues across Washington State into the APS-FH shelter to be cared for medically and emotionally and then adopted into loving homes. In 2022, APS-FH transferred 49 dogs and 58 cats from other shelters and rescues – over 90% of them from Washington State. Compared to 2019, the number of pets entering shelters has decreased 17%, while adoptions decreased at an even higher rate of 20%, meaning more animals are staying in shelters now than before the pandemic. Transport literally saves lives by moving pets from areas saturated with pets in need of homes to places like San Juan County where availability of pets to adopt is lower and where these pets are highly sought after.

Our transport van is also used to pick up (for a small fee) donations to be sold at the APS-FH Treasure Hounds store. Treasure Hounds is an upscale resale shop with home décor, furniture, and collectibles that supports the animal shelter by providing 24% of total annual income. At Treasure Hounds, your donations are lovingly cared for and happily rehomed. The store is staffed by volunteers and all items sold in the store have been donated.
If you would like to support the mission of APS-FH with donations of your home furnishings and décor, please send an email (with photos of items) to treasurehounds@apsfh.com. If you would like to join our fun and fabulous Treasure Hounds volunteer team, please fill out the Animal Protection Society Friday Harbor Volunteer Application on our website. We look forward to hearing from you!
Come shop with us Thursday through Sunday 11am to 4pm at 365-C Spring Street or call us at (360) 298-9058. Like us on Facebook to see the exciting new items that come in each week! https://www.facebook.com/APSFHTreasureHounds/